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מיסודם של עיריית חיפה     •    משרד החינוך והתרבות    •   סנט העיר החופשית ברמן
من تأسيس بلدية حيفا           •         وزارة المعارف والثقافة               •            برلمان المدينة الحرة بريمن.
Founders: Haifa Municipality • Ministry of Education and Culture • Senate of the Free City of Breme

The Foundation in Brief

Established in 1976 by the Haifa municipality in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Senate the Free City of Bremen, Germany, Haifa Arts Foundation devotes its activities to promoting art and culture in the city of Haifa. Since 1978, the Foundation assists artists in the promotion and exposure of their work, and focuses on projects that would not have been materialized and exposed without its help, support and involvement.

The Foundation's support includes all unique facets of Haifa's multicultural population and equally assists Jews, Arabs, Druze, Christians and Muslims, whether secular or religious. The assistance is offered to all sectors and all ages—youths, adults and seniors. Furthermore, the Foundation contributes to disabled populations, inter alia by supporting joint projects of regular schools and special education students, and refers some of its resources to activities meant to contribute to bring Jews and Arabs together.

Haifa Arts Foundation relies solely on volunteers: the Board members and members of the General Assembly do their jobs gratis, and use professional advisory committees in various areas of art, which are also composed of volunteers. Administrative services are provided to the Foundation free of charge by the office of the Secretary General in Haifa Municipality. Haifa Arts Foundation's being essentially voluntary, allows directing most of its money to support artists in various areas of culture and art. In addition, its basic values are maintained over the years, because the Foundation's regulations stipulate that only its yield be used each year.

The following bodies joined HAF in the course of time:

Once a quarter, the foundation holds a meeting to review and approve various projects.

HAF initiated and supported many projects during its existence, that will not have been fulfilled if not for the Foundation. Some continue to operate independently, without the Foundation's regular support, while some still receive its support. 

HAF's Fields of activity: