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מיסודם של עיריית חיפה     •    משרד החינוך והתרבות    •   סנט העיר החופשית ברמן
من تأسيس بلدية حيفا           •         وزارة المعارف والثقافة               •            برلمان المدينة الحرة بريمن.
Founders: Haifa Municipality • Ministry of Education and Culture • Senate of the Free City of Breme

"Septima" Association

"Septima" Association for promoting Israeli music in Haifa and the North was established in 1998, at the initiative of the late Mr. Moshe Gorali, a musician and musicologist from Haifa, along with other activists.

The aims of the Association

  • Acquainting music lovers with artistic musical works
  • Fostering original musical composition

Among members of the Association: composers from Haifa and the North, Haifa Symphony Orchestra musicians and many music lovers. One of "Septima"'s regular musical activities is an annual concert of works by the Association's composers, performed by members of the Association, some of which are new immigrants, others older. Haifa Arts Foundation supported this enterprise's ongoing annual activity, and enabled composers of Haifa and the North to conduct this concert, by helping musicians and funding additional costs related to the concert.