Purchasing Books for Libraries
Haifa Arts Foundation helped the school in Halisa neighborhood to purchase books such as dictionaries and encyclopedias for the Gur Hasidic Dynasty school library.
- Israel Szabo – A Portrait
- Scholarships of the late Israel Szabo
- Scholarships 2021
- Scholarships 2015
- Scholarships 2014
- Scholarships 2013
- Scholarships 2012
- Scholarships 2011
- Scholarships 2010
- Arts Enrichment Project in Schools
- Approximation of Disabled Populations to Art
- Calligraphy Workshop - a Cooperation between Yavnieli and El Hiwar Schools
- Social Club for the Blind in Beit Heine
- Ahva - Association of the Disabled in Haifa and the North
- Ilan - Israeli Foundation for Handicapped Children
- Joint Projects for Special Education and Regular School Students
- Genigar School
- Henrietta Szold School
- Ofakim School Integrates with Ironi Hei, Ahuzat Yeladim, Reali Carmel Center and the Open School
- Aiding the Scout Movement in a disadvantaged neighborhood in Haifa
- Sea Scouts Troop, Haifa - Israel Maritime League
- Joint Activities of the Jewish and Arab Sectors
- Haifa Big Brothers Big Sisters Association
- Assistance to At-Risk Youth
- Purchasing Books for Libraries