Aiding the Scout Movement in a disadvantaged neighborhood in Haifa
Haifa Arts Foundation—through Avner Foundation and in collaboration with Haifa Municipality and the Scout Movement—helped in the operation of Re'im Group, active for years in the Nave David and Sha'ar HaAliya neighborhoods. Graduates of the Movement volunteer for a Service Year where they mentor children and youths in the neighborhood as part of HaOgen Scouts activities. In addition, the Foundation aids Haifa Scouts in financing a final guide course for ninth graders. The Foundation also assisted in providing scholarships to students active in informal education, or those that have served in combatant military units.
Avner Adres perished in a plane crash at Habonim Beach on January 24, 1999. The memorial foundation began operating within HAF in 2000. In his lifetime, Avner was very active among teenagers and the students of Reali School, where he studied, and was the leader of Ilanot Scouts.
Avner's ambition in life was, "to find my niche and influence it."
The Foundation's aim is to follow Avner's legacy, namely to promote and to assist youth movements, especially scouts, in their educational role—promoting values of tolerance, democracy, Zionism and social justice, while focusing on youth leadership training in the youth movements, and to help underprivileged neighborhoods.
Adres family raised the funds to establish the Foundation, with help from friends from Israel and abroad, and passed them on to the HAF, which serves as a trustee of the donated funds and the executioner of Avner Foundation's activities.
- Israel Szabo – A Portrait
- Scholarships of the late Israel Szabo
- Scholarships 2021
- Scholarships 2015
- Scholarships 2014
- Scholarships 2013
- Scholarships 2012
- Scholarships 2011
- Scholarships 2010
- Arts Enrichment Project in Schools
- Approximation of Disabled Populations to Art
- Calligraphy Workshop - a Cooperation between Yavnieli and El Hiwar Schools
- Social Club for the Blind in Beit Heine
- Ahva - Association of the Disabled in Haifa and the North
- Ilan - Israeli Foundation for Handicapped Children
- Joint Projects for Special Education and Regular School Students
- Genigar School
- Henrietta Szold School
- Ofakim School Integrates with Ironi Hei, Ahuzat Yeladim, Reali Carmel Center and the Open School
- Aiding the Scout Movement in a disadvantaged neighborhood in Haifa
- Sea Scouts Troop, Haifa - Israel Maritime League
- Joint Activities of the Jewish and Arab Sectors
- Haifa Big Brothers Big Sisters Association
- Assistance to At-Risk Youth
- Purchasing Books for Libraries