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מיסודם של עיריית חיפה     •    משרד החינוך והתרבות    •   סנט העיר החופשית ברמן
من تأسيس بلدية حيفا           •         وزارة المعارف والثقافة               •            برلمان المدينة الحرة بريمن.
Founders: Haifa Municipality • Ministry of Education and Culture • Senate of the Free City of Breme

Sea Scouts Troop, Haifa - Israel Maritime League

A special contribution on the subject of the sea, within the framework of the Haifa Arts Foundation.
On January 11, 2016, 10 scholarships were awarded to members of the Sea Scouts Troop in Haifa, within the framework of the Israel Maritime League, at a ceremony held at the Municipality's Conference Hall, in the presence of:

  • • Ms. Hedva Almog - Acting Deputy Mayor of Haifa
    • Ms. Bracha Sela - Deputy Chairman of the Foundation and Secretary General
    • Ms. Aviva Spiegelstein – Foundation Director

The recipients of the scholarships and their families participated in the ceremony.

The Sea Scouts youth movement was established in the early 1930s as the maritime branch of the Scout movement. Cruising was used mainly as an educational means to instill marine awareness in the young generation – character forging, physical education, strict discipline, total responsibility, life and teamwork, and excellent commanding ability.

Sea Scouts are also involved in marine education and in instilling values. All this is done while engaging in community activities that include work with disabled children and At-Risk Youth.

The members form a cross section of all the socio-economic strata in the city, and come from all over Haifa.

On days of activity, the scouts study professional maritime materials, alongside social values. The young sailor learns from an early age to get to know the sea, to row, to operate all the systems and sails in a boat, and eventually to command a sailboat.

Sea Scouts operates throughout the week, and many members come over to renovate boats and prepare activities, so that the troop is their home away from home and a leisure and social center.

Sea Scouts is a youth movement whose activities are operated by the youths. Coping with the sea and commanding a boat, develop unique abilities and characteristics among the young members. The Sea Scouts guide must be not merely a guide, but also a leader who knows how to give his students confidence in the sea, along with planning and commanding the boat. The need for real cooperation and mutual assistance is mandatory at sea, and the group cell is built around the mutual work in the boat.
The troop educates and leads its students to volunteer for a pre-military service, as part of the Scouts movement, followed by a significant military service in the IDF.

The Troop's Vision  

To be a leading Scouts troop in Haifa, accessible to all levels of the population, while utilizing the sea as an educational tool, so that the students will realize the values ​​of marine education as exemplary citizens.